MARCH 6, 2013
PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Barbara-Ann Rossi,
Minority Leader Eric A. Thompson, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A. Russo, Ram Aberasturia,
and Patricia Harmon
ABSENT Councillor Esther B. Clarke
Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. He announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes
§29-381 after which the Council joined him in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Chair gave a brief overview of the Mayor’s recommended 2013-2014 budget totaling $170,252,851 which represents a 1.2% increase in expenditures. The major driver for the increase in expenditures is the town’s $1.3M contribution to the employees’ pension plan.
That portion of the Mayor’s recommended budget which is allocated to the Board of Education is $87,266,419 which represents $1.5M increase over last year’s budget.
Additionally, the Chair stated that monies have been set aside in the proposed budget for studies relative to the town’s Plan of Conservation and Development, which, by state statute, has to be updated every ten years. The monies will be for the hiring of a consultant to modify that plan and also to assist the town in developing better opportunities for its core areas – Main Street, Burnside Avenue, Silver Lane and the riverfront properties.
Chair Kehoe stated that the Mayor’s recommended budget will equate to a tax increase of 2.6% which, for the average taxpayer, will be an approximate increase of $112.00 a year in their property taxes.
The following citizens came forth to speak:
Franklin Kucza, 87 Greenlawn Street, strongly believes that, due to poor economic conditions, no wage increases should be allocated to the town’s employees. Additionally, Mr. Kucza suggested the Council delay action on the town’s budget until the state legislature passes their budget.
John Bezzini, 92 Copper Beech Way, urged the Town Council to involve the state legislators in changing the fundamental structure of the way property taxes are determined. Also, Mr. Bezzini applauded the Mayor for posting employee wages and benefits to the town’s website.
Susan Kniep, 44-46 & 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) spoke to the issue of both federal and state budgets and the financial impact that has on the town; (2) thanked the Mayor for her consistent dedication to transparency in accounting by posting various financial information to the town’s website; (3) suggested that the Town Council hold another public hearing after they present their budget to the residents and before actually setting the budget; (3) asked the Chair to obtain a legal opinion on what recourse the voters have if the town needs to issue supplemental tax bills after the Governor’s budget is passed; (4) spoke to various revenue sources for the town – leases for the East Hartford Golf Course and the East Hartford Community Cultural Center; (5) inquired on the town’s payment of a $3M loan to the
Connecticut Development Authority regarding the removal of oil tanks at property where Goodwin College is now located; (6) inquired when the Council will act on the referral to the Ordinance Committee on the enhancement of the town’s ethics laws; and (7) questioned the financial impact the DROP program has on the town’s budget.
Donald Sugalski, 1736 Main Street, asked for clarification on the Mayor’s statement in the budget book regarding a fund balance “…at a statistically lower level than our peers…”. (The Chair answered that this statement refers to the town’s pension fund.) Additionally, Mr. Sugalski stated that he believes the loan to the Connecticut Development Authority is closer to $6M, when interest is factored in.
MOTION By Eric Thompson
seconded Bill Horan
to adjourn (8:45 p.m.).
Motion carried 8/0.
Angela Attenello
Town Council Clerk